The challenge with both was How to index a website in Google Engine
This is not a simple task, we are provide a step by step guide u can do its in simple way
Let’s get started:
 Go to Google.com and type site:domain.com  (Replace “domain.com” with your actual domain name, (example: mysterynav.com), and check to see whether the site is indexed or not.
If there are no results, it’s time to follow the steps below and get your site into Google

How to generate a sitemap for your WordPress website:
Sitemaps can be generated in different ways depending on the platform you are using for your website. For example, WordPress sitemaps can be easily generated using a plugin called Google XML sitemap generator plugin.

Submitting sitemaps to Google Search console:

Submit a sitemap to Google, we do so using the Search console tool. Assuming that you have already verified your site in Google search console and that you have logged in to your webmaster tool dashboard here, you have your sitemap link ready to go. If you have used an offline tool to generate your sitemap, upload it to the root of your site like this:  /sitemap.xml

Inside your Google Webmaster Tool dashboard, on the right-hand side you will see an option called “Sitemaps”. Click on “More” to see all submitted sitemaps, or you can submit a new sitemap from there.
GWT sitemap
Click on “Add/Test Sitemap” to submit your sitemap file. On the same page, you can see which sitemaps are discovered by Google or which sitemap files have been previously submitted by you or someone from your team.
Depending on what type of sitemap you have generated, you can submit it from here. If you are running a site with lots of images, I suggest you create an image sitemap, as we already discussed in Image SEO optimization. You can also create a video sitemap for your website. For a WordPress blog, you can create image sitemaps using this WordPress plugin.

If you are submitting a sitemap for a new blog, it might take some time for you to see the index status. With index status on the same page, you can see how many URLs are submitted via sitemap and how many links Google has indexed. If you have submitted separate sitemaps for images and videos, you will see the status for those links, too. Here is an example of the index status of the ShoutMeLoud blog:
Website index status
Once you are finished submitting your blog sitemap to the Google search engine, I suggest you read this guide and then repeat the process with the Bing Webmaster Tool

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  1. Nice message with lots of information included in the posting.Please find our link if you may be interested in ,please refer to Index Website on Google Fastly | Increase TRAFFIC on your website

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